Wir freuen uns mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu treten

Sie können uns per Telefon oder über das Kontaktformular erreichen. Sobald wir den Kontakt erhalten, beantworten wir gerne alle Ihre Fragen.

AURRENAK Service S.A. de C.V.

1050 Avenida Industrial Metalúrgica
Parque Industrial Ramos Arizpe
Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila
C.P. 25903 MEXICO
Tel: +34 945 00 34 70 
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    Data protection information

  • Data controller :Aurrenak,S .Coop.
  • Purpose: To attend your requests of information.
  • Legal basis Consent
  • Recipients:Data will not be shared with third parties, except to comply with legal obligations.
  • Rights: To access, rectifiy or erase, as well as any other rights specified in the additional information layer.
  • Additional information: You may access the additional and detailed inforamtion on data protection here
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