
In June 2010, May 2012 and June 2013 Nemak has presented Aurrenak the Award for Excellence, naming it “Supplier of the Year 2009” , “Supplier of the Year 2011” and “Supplier of the Year 2012” respectively.

Nemak, company owned by the Mexican group Alfa, has 27 production plants in 12 countries and almost 15,000 employees, it produces 40 million pieces (engine blocks, cylinder heads and transmission parts) in high-tech aluminium for the major car manufacturers.

This recognition puts Aurrenak at the forefront of tooling suppliers worldwide thanks to the quality of its services, products and capacity for innovation, with technology and precision as key premises to tackle high demand projects.

In turn, Loramendi has received the same award as a provider of core blowing machines. As a result the Casting and Tooling Association, composed of Loramendi and Aurrenak, is consolidating its position as world leader and its vision of an international enterprise.